Last week, I was requested to conduct specific polygraph examinations where there was a suspicion that stock was being sold and instead of money being banked, it was illegally shared among employees. One employee that was requested to undergo the polygraph examination, admitted prior to the polygraph examination that he was involved in theft of money paid for stock by customers to the value of R6000 in the prior week and also admitted to taking various stock items without paying for it. He further implicated the warehouse manager as well as production manager of being involved in the theft of cash paid by customers. Because of his confession, one of questions on the polygraph examination was changed as follow:
Are you now withholding any information about other incidences where you took money that a customer paid for stock of this business?
After being informed by the Examiner during the post examination that Deception was detected and he was not being truthful when denying involvement in other incidences of theft of money, he admitted to further theft of money paid by customers for stock.